HSE Management Standards We Follow – Multiline Group of Companies
Every job has risks, therefore it’s crucial to have protection measures in place. Priority should be given to removing and controlling dangers at their cause or along the route from the source to the worker wherever this is practical.
When all other measures of protection are unavailable or impractical, personal protective equipment (PPE) should be the last line of defence. PPE is merely one component of a comprehensive safety programme that would employ a range of tactics to maintain a safe and healthy workplace; it neither eliminates the risk itself nor ensures complete or ongoing protection. Let’s get to know a few protective gears.

- Protective Helmet: Wearing a helmet offers protection and can prevent head injuries. Select a sturdy helmet that is adapted to the working conditions. These days you can find many elegant designs and you can choose extra options such as an adjustable interior harness and comfortable sweatbands.
- Eye Wear: The most intricate and delicate organs in the human body are the eyes. A good amount of people worldwide suffer eye injuries every day while at work. A good set of safety glasses could have stopped these accidents. Do you come in contact with infrared or strong light? The best protection would then be a shield or welding goggles!
- Safety Gloves: It is crucial to safeguard your hands and fingers correctly because they are frequently hurt. You have a variety of gloves to pick from depending on the industry you work in.
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